Tally Monday- April 6, 2015

Checked Out





  1. Girls on Film by Zoey Dean
  2. “Legend: Willem de Kooning”- Baron Wormser
  3. The Best American Essays 2014
  4. Michigan Haunts and Hauntings by Marion Kulco

TBR 32

At the end of my staycation, on my first day back from work, I am feeling completely and utterly unsatisfied.  I thought I’d do more.  I thought that I’d be happier.  I thought that I would come back to work, relaxed and ready to tackle the world.

What I am instead is restless and frustrated and uncomfortably aware of the fact that I am screaming inside and have been for a long time.  I know, I know.  This is all personal stuff on a book post but I don’t really care.

Did this come about because I didn’t read as much as I wanted to read?  I’m not sure.  I felt like I was really getting along.  I enjoyed what I read.  Still, the whole thing had that restless feeling.

I am happy to be back and sad to be back.  I am happy to be able to pick up my holds and to have some structure to my days and I promise that next week I will have something better to say.  I promise…  I mean, I’ve already bought a book.