One More New Years Post

Hey, guys! I was feeling kind of fuzzy about what my plan was for the year so I took some time yesterday to do some focusing and I wanted to break it down.

My word of the year is: Pause. I chose this word for a number of reasons. It feels like we have been collectively holding our breath, waiting for the shoe to drop. We are PAUSED but a pause isn’t always a bad thing. I want to spend time this year STOPPING and BEING. I want to take a deep breath before I say that thing I’ll regret. I want to stop running so hard.

I focused on 5 different “goals,” which have been written on colorful post-its and stuck on my bedroom mirror.

  1. Read 200 books. Can I read 200 books? I want to find out. The side quest here is to try to get on top of my TBR a bit, sticking to the list and limiting my purchases and check outs.
  2. Write 3 books. The book that I wrote for NaNoWriMo last year is the first in a quartet. I’ve written that first one numerous times. This year I want to write the rest of the series so that I can try to think of them as an overall story and do some deep editing that way. It’s an experiment.
  3. Run 100 hours. I’ve been thinking about the Modern Mrs. Darcy post I read about the 100 Hour Rule. I want to see if I can do it and I want to see if 100 hours of running is what actually makes me like it. I’ve made two deals with myself. First, I can run as slow as I want. This isn’t a race. Second, after this 100 hours I never have to run again if I don’t want to. I’ve booked 11 minutes so far!
  4. Love your people. Uh, I’m kind of a mess right now. I have an exploding to-do list, a messy house, and a limited amount of coping mechanisms. Shit is HARD right now and I am definitely using busy-ness and lists as an unhealthy coping mechanism. I LOVE to get stuff done but I want to start making myself slow down and spend time with my family and friends. Love is what it’s all about and I could stand a reminder once in a while.
  5. Follow your joy. Oh, fucking seriously. I need to seek out the things that I enjoy and the things that make me happy and INDULGE in them. Like, things that actually take TIME, not just food. Color, craft, read, dance, sing. Follow that fucking joy!

Underneath these colorful post it notes I have one more and it says: LET GO OF EVERYTHING ELSE.

Let go of dirty bathrooms, laundry taking longer than I’d like, my ideas of what I “should” be doing. Let it go. Let go of old hurts, ghosts, and fears. Let go and just be here, doing this.

May this year be a good one.

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