Listy #30- Television

I’m not sure if I’ve made this list before or not.  Television is not something that I usually talk about.  As a rule, I don’t watch a lot of it.  The first year that I lived in my house, I only had a DVD player.  At my parents’ house, Dad worked hard all day and liked to watch TV while he played Poker Stars at night and he was a little hard of hearing so it felt like the TV was always on.  I loved coming home to the quiet of my own house and sitting down to either watch a movie or read a book.  It was the first year I read 100 books.

But I do like TV and it didn’t take much to get me back on it.  It started with the Tigers going to the World Series.  The year was 2012 and it was my first summer dating Hubby.  He is a baseball fan and that summer we were on a roll.  We spent many a night at his apartment, a Tiger’s game on the TV and me curled up with a book.  (It was Stephen King’s The Stand.  I will always remember reading this book to baseball.)  Of course, television is like magic.  I didn’t have it at home but at Hubby’s place I could change channels, you guys.

Hubby moved in that fall and the following year, when baseball season rolled around, he got cable.  We didn’t keep it for long, just until Charter jacked up our rates, but then we got faster internet and the xBox One and Netflix and who needs cable anyway??  We watched Lost and TrueBlood and Big Love and then Dexter and House and NCIS.  So this week we found ourselves with an empty place where NCIS used to be and I signed up for Hulu because I wanted to watch the original CSI.

Because this pregnancy has me oddly drawn to that flickering screen.  All I want to do is watch TV.  Now, I do not have a shortage of things to watch.  I am way far behind.  And so, I give you, Shows I Want to Watch (Completely).  Some I’ve started.  Some I’m almost done with.  Some I’ve only seen one episode of.

Shows I Want to Watch

  • Friends
  • Twin Peaks
  • Mad Men
  • Gilmore Girls
  • The 70’s Show
  • X-Files
  • Roswell
  • The OC
  • Supernatural
  • House of Cards
  • Star Trek: The Next Generation
  • Aquarius
  • Granite Flats
  • Eureka
  • Firefly
  • Gossip Girl

Now, it feels so late and I can’t wait to get home.  I keep telling myself that I’m going to read in bed but I might just lay down on the couch and watch some TV.  Which is why I can’t finish a damn book.

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